Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Ailing Lion

I wrote this blog after the killing of Osama Bin Laden, but never posted it.  I came across it last night when I was cleaning out files and felt it was never more timely with the upcoming election.  I don't post this to preach to others, but a reminder to myself.  I certainly don't do all I can, but I always try to take steps in the right direction.

I take no joy in the killing of anyone.  No matter if they are a master mind of evil or an innocent victim.  I pray for both, that their next life will be a better one.  I pray for those that protect us and hope that their aim is sure and their conscious is clear.  I can’t help but wonder why it is that ONE person symbolizes so much finality to a horrendous deed that was carried out by many and supported by so many more.  It is a culture and a mind I will never understand and when his followers see our citizens jumping for glee and waving our stars and stripes I wonder what they will plan for us next. 
I trust that our armed forces  will continue to do their job, because they come from a long line of patriot’s that fought for our freedom.  It is in their blood. And I have to believe this, or I would live in fear every day.

What I don’t trust is the disconnection of civil society from our heritage.  When republicans and democrats can’t agree on the small things in life, where is the spirit that founded our country?  There was much bickering and bashing about in 1776 as well, but they got the job done because they had a common goal.  What is our common goal today?  

How have we banded together and strengthened our nation in honor of all that perished in 9/11 and the ensuing battles? My sad opinion is that I don’t believe we all have.  We are NOT better off than we were 10 years ago.  We are worse.  True the CIA, FBI, SEAL and other acronyms have foiled many plans…but don’t we all have an obligation to keep our nation strong? 

What have we done as citizens to improve our health care?  Our schools?  Our economy?
Have we changed our diet and increased our exercise so that we are healthier? Have we refused excessive care and used our FSA and HSA options to cut down on costs?  Have we sent our politicians a clear message that we won’t accept their bullshit?

Have we volunteered our time to the community to improve our children’s education?  Attended local meetings to let our voice and opinion be heard?  Called our congressmen and senators to encourage them to make OUR choices?  Been sucked in by the latest tag line or done due diligence?  Heard BOTH sides of the story so we can make informed decisions and really LISTENED?                                                                                                                                                                     
Have you looked to see where things were made before you bought them?  Have you shopped locally and supported small businesses?  Helped a friend in need?  Taken help if you needed it?
I fear mightily for our country.  What does it say to our enemies when they see the bickering, the discord and that idiocy?  We are a wounded lion, whose injuries fester and can be smelled around the world. 

 We like to blame everything on one person…whether it be Obama, Osama or Oprah. It’s so easy to point fingers, but I believe we are ALL accountable. 

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