Monday, February 11, 2013

That Damn Thyroid

Round about last November I hit a weight I wasn't comfortable with and while I've come and gone, I'm mostly where I was.  I pursued my belief that I was having a thyroid issue and while my thyroid levels came back in the normal range, I kept telling my Naturpath that something was definitely off.  Last April I was in my final 2 mos of training for my second Tough Mudder so I got down to business and went into super strict diet mode (as opposed to my usual pretty strict diet mode).  Plus I was exercising  4 - 6 times a week...not over doing it, but preparing for the race.  I struggled off 15 lbs.  But I will tell you that I have NEVER worked so hard to lose 15 lbs.  After the TM I came away with a festering rash (staph from the lovely mud) which then turned into a raging case of cellulitus over 50% of my body.  THAT was a fun summer vacation.  Don't really recommend cellulitus to others.  But in any case, I kind of forgot about my other problems for awhile.

As August rolled around and I promptly packed back on the 15 pounds without even batting an eyelash, and I resumed my concern.  (And may I say it's not just about the weight, though I admit with my active lifestyle, it is a big concern to me.  You try carrying around a 25 lb kettle bell every day, all day and see if it concerns you. )  In any case, I asked my Doc about the whole thing again and we ran another round of lab tests, this time checking the thyroid antibodies.  WHAMO!  Ideal levels should be 0, healthy is considered 10 or lower. My count was over 1000.  So do you think I have a thyroid issue?  For sure.  So go on a low dose of levothyroxine for 6 mos.  Thyroid responds well.  But I must admit that while on this medication I continue to feel low energy and depressed.  Occasionally I try to get into my super strict diet zone and try to lose a few lbs.  But I've been unsuccessful.  I still remain exhausted and blue.   But the antibody count is down to 6 and my levels are still normal.  I think she will take me of the meds soon, which is great.  But I don't feel any better.

So yay for me, now we turn to the adrenals.  Supplements, rest and relaxation are prescribed -- which is laughable considering my current event load.  It's turning out to be a long road to recovery...

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